Saturday, February 12, 2011

Blog #1 The Environment

When discussing the environment, you have to talk about the natural environment, which are living and non-living things that take place naturally on Earth, and then there is the environment that is created by human activity. From what I have learned through environmentalists and from what I’ve learned in this class, the natural environment of our planet, is being effected much more than most of us know. If we want our planet to be here and all the resources that keep us alive to be here in the future, we must all do our part in something called ecological sustainability. This isn’t something we can fix all at once, it’s a developmental process that takes several steps from everyone to help our lives, and future generations. 
       Not only do we need to watch how we're effecting the environment for our own sake, but there are a lot of other species of plants and animals out there that deserve to live just as much as we do. Even if "we" don't need certain species to live, it's still important that they stay well populated because they are a part of this world too. The diversity of life is what makes Earth so great, not just that we have life on our planet. 
      I believe that global warming is something that needs to be dealt with now. What I think is going on is people don't want to believe that it's real, even though scientists have proven that it is effecting us. Two things you can look at that tells us we need to do something is carbon dioxide levels and glaciers melting. Carbon Dioxide levels are getting so high that they are effecting weather. We can also see how much smaller glaciers have gotten and that is already effecting the polar bear population. They have a certain environment that they need for survival and we're effecting it.  
        A big role in any environment is biological diversity. In biodiversity, all the species in that ecosystem has an important role in their environment. If one of these species disappears because a climate change effected by humans, that whole ecosystem can suffer. So one of the biggest problem with effecting ecosystems has got to be people having a lack of education of how they can effect life. I believe that as people who know how we can help our planet, it is our job to educate people who don't know how to help our environment.  

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