Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blog #8 Sustainable Products

      Lately companies and people have been doing this thing called going green. Going green is when they use sustainable products to help conserve resources and help the environment. One example of a sustainable product is a toilet that has two flushes, one for liquid and the other is for solids. The flush for your number one uses less water than for your number two. Some more sustainable products include eco-friendly materials like compostable containers and accessories, energy saving light bulbs, 100% recycled material, biodegradable materials and much more. One of the more ridiculous ideas is the bottles with the smaller lids. Come on, thats not helping any cause, just really annoying to try and put those caps back on. I guess it is good because maybe now people will start to use re-usable containers like thermos's instead of buying a bunch of water bottles.
      To have the sustainable products you need the sustainable technology. Sustainable technology includes renewable energy, sustainable living, organic agriculture, environmental economics and environmental technology. These are all very important aspects of sustainability because without the knowledge of how to save resources and the environment, we could be having our hearts in the right places, but we could be going about it all wrong.
      It's also not enough to have the sustainable technology, use the sustainable technology, or even make the technology better. We need to share any knowledge we have about sustainability to other countries, and do as much as we can to get them to implement the ideas. There are other countries that use up a lot of resources and pollute like us, and we all share the same planet and atmosphere. Every time a developing country gets more and more access to resources, they take on America's worst qualities and uses up those resources really fast in bad ways. We need to not only set examples for those countries, but actually do everything we can to install a good eco-friendly way of living with their new developments.
      For more about sustainable products, they should be purchased more, because even though they may cost a lot more, in the long run they are products that will save you more money and help the environment. We need more companies to use and promote sustainable products for the good of each individual person, family, our country and the world. Our country needs to put all other petty problems aside and start looking at things that are about a million times more important.

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